Tuesday, 20 February 2007

The Survivors

I feel good to be a scientist because when the second coming arrives, I will survive. Perhaps more obvious with the Bristol physics department - which looks like it was built for invasion - but also evident in the SNIAM building at Trinity, is that us science bods were meant to live to reforge the new age.

Trinity College is surrounded on all four sides by a huge protective wall with the SNIAM sat far from the Main Entrance. I used to think that the Arts Block was the place to fare the coming nuclear winter until I realised that this was the front line protection. The arts students are probably right now unwittingly receiving training as effective cannon fodder.

Just like I'm receiving training on how to use class 4 lasers and radio frequency plasma 'guns' - the invading forces will stand little chance on the killing fields between us and the Arts block. And from here in the postgraduate office on the top floor of the SNIAM the carnage below could be watched with cold, calculating eyes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If some of the Arts people survive, and there is a shortage of food, will it be Arts versus Science?

As a mathematician I reserve the right to be ambiguous as to whether I'm Arts or Science - i.e. I'll join the side that look like they're going to win.